Foto Facebook Artis Joanna Alexandra
Joanna Alexandra frequently is called with Joana or also Jo, borns in Jakarta, 23 Aprils 1987. He is model actress sexy as well as actress sinetron. Putri couple Jafrey Kaerupan and Nina Larasati have ever become advertisement star of product Ponds and stars sinetron SI BAJAJ and JOMBLO. Have ever stared film CATATAN AKHIR SEKOLAH and LEWAT TENGAH MALAM and newest of virgin 2. Joanna starts its(the career since class 3 SMP when not intentionally is offered designer Adjie Notonegoro to be its(the model. Joanna that moment intends makes clothes in boutique property of the popular designer. Finally Jo gets education during three months, then contracted by agency property of Adjie, Flash. Beginning of its(the sinetron career is when staring Si Bajaj produce of MD Entertainment. In sinetron, Joanna plays together Ervan Naro and Selly Hasan. Besides s(he also is recognized public through?via film Catatan Akhir Sekolah. Joanna have time to cause an uproar public through?via its(the syur pose in magazine Playboy Indonesia. Besides playing at sinetron, Jo also have ever become clip video star, songs property of Peterpan, Omelet, Paddy, Prince, Galagasi, and Pandawa Lima. Joanna has married with Raditya Oloan Panggabean and has one chlids having age 1,7 years, Zuriel Paris Jedidiah Panggabean. profile Joanna Alexandra biodata complete Joanna Alexandra biodata Joanna Alexandra new photograph of Joanna Alexandra photograph sexy Joanna Alexandra biodata Joanna Alexandra complete profile Joanna Alexandra its(the profile Joanna Alexandra biodata complete Joanna Alexandra gallery photograph Joanna Alexandra newest photograph of Joanna Alexandra artist photograph indonesia Joana Alexandra biodata of all about Joana Alexandra name of complete Joana Alexandra biodata and biodata Joana Alexandra biodata wallpaper artist . FInd More Joanna Alexandra Pictures Here :
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