I'm a member of several worldwide face painting discussion groups. One is small enough, though international, and close enough, that we've become good friends. So a couple years ago, someone suggested a secret Santa exchange, and of course I wanted to participate. I love gifts - giving and receiving!
Our version extended past the holidays, into mid-January.
Yesterday, I was feeling really blech. My stomach was bothering me, and I didn't get anything done as intended. So when the doorbell rang and the dog went crazy barking, I was in even less of a good mood. When I got there, though, things got a lot better. I had a fat, padded envelope from a great face painter, Paula Southern, in the UK!
Wow, did I score! In addition to some awesome organic chocolate, a soap making book and some essential oils for our soaps and other bath products, a beautiful card to inspire my henna,
she sent me three bags of gorgeous shimmery cosmetic glitter.
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